Ways to improve connectivity in remote areas

Ways to improve connectivity in remote areas

In today’s business landscape, effective technology tools are quickly transforming from a luxury to a necessity. Customer expectations and methods of delivery are beginning to change, with real-time data access, and communication and collaboration methods increasingly important to business continuity. 

Connectivity helps make the use of these tools possible, and businesses in remote areas need effective network connections if they are to leverage the opportunities technology provides. Particularly in WA, there are a few hurdles in the way of making this happen, including vast distances between Fibre Access Points, and difficult terrain. 

Luckily, connectivity capabilities are evolving, with faster speeds and extension opportunities becoming available. This is great news for the one-third of Australia’s population living outside urban areas who need quality rural internet and effective business connectivity services. 

Why is business connectivity important?

With a technology provider like TBTC Regional WA boosting the connectivity for your business network, we can help improve your productivity, economic growth, and customer relationships. Help maintain your operations with fewer lags that can reduce the number of dropped calls between staff members or customers, or slow your business applications. 

Supported collaboration tools allow for prompt communication, assisting in keeping processes moving and maintaining continuity of service. Plus, with ultimate connectivity, your business network should support evolving technology improvements that help provide new opportunities and a competitive edge that benefits your bottom line.  

Ways to improve your business connectivity 

There are a few different methods for boosting remote or rural internet access, and their effectiveness will differ according to your business needs. Discover a few of our connectivity solutions below. 

Microwave transmission towers 

Once a point-to-point network extension is built, a focused beam of Wi-Fi is sent between constructed towers, making it a great option for businesses with high bandwidth needs, like mine sites. Along with supporting business functions associated with communication, collaboration, and every day operations, it can help create a more sustainable and positive environment for onsite staff. With this kind of connection, your internet is unlikely to suffer from overloading when multiple people are using it at once. 

Communication skids and trailers  

Portable trailers and skids are communication infrastructure solutions that can be quickly deployed and easily relocated with any light vehicle using a low tow hitch. So, if your worksite needs to be mobile but still supported by a quality connection, this is a great option – particularly for the mining and construction sectors. 

Coverage extension devices  

These devices can amplify your network signal, providing better voice quality, faster speeds, reduced drop outs, and maximised coverage. It’s a good shorter-range option, like for warehouses, farms, and factories, as it helps to bridge the connectivity gap in remote locations, or on the road. That way, you can stay connected when it matters while also assisting in improving the battery life of your devices since they’re not constantly searching for coverage. 

5G upgrades 

The use of 5G is becoming widespread, and is soon expected to be widely available. With faster speeds, larger capacities, and almost no latency, adopting this next-generation network can help to vastly improve your business connectivity. It is also a huge driver for new ways of doing business thanks to its support enhanced capabilities for the Internet of Things (IoT), AI, driverless vehicles and more. By rolling it out in your business, you could do more than improve your connection thanks to the new innovation it makes possible. 

Satellite connectivity

With satellite connectivity, your internet access is provided through communication satellites that transmit and receive data through your satellite dish. This is available through Telstra and nbn™, and doesn’t need access to cable internet to function. 

Ensure your equipment is upgraded 

Occasionally, the barrier to effective internet is outdated equipment that can’t handle the high speeds flowing through it. Make sure your router is up to date and invest in an upgrade if it isn’t performing the way it should. You can also review your settings and adjust them as needed so that your router is supporting your internet use. 

Position your modem correctly  

Sometimes improving your connectivity can be as simple as moving your modem to a better spot to boost your signal and coverage. If there are physical barriers separating your modem and devices, like metal or wood, your coverage can be impacted and speeds slowed. This is also the case if it sits in close proximity to a microwave or TV. The best position is in the centre of an area, clear of walls or obstructions and preferably high up. You should also consider your Wi-Fi access points, which can increase the speed in problem dead spots. 

Get connected with TBTC Regional WA

We have a range of business connectivity solutions that we can use to support your organisation and improve rural internet connections. From our tower builds, to our coverage extension devices, we can help you leverage the opportunities an effective connection helps to provide and bring advantages to your bottom line. By assessing your business needs, we’ll find the best solution to suit the way you operate. Reach out today, and let’s get connecting.  

Ready to learn more? Let’s talk.

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